Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cooper got his third tooth today- top right (his perspective).  His smile is just about as big as his personality.  We love our little comedian!

And pretend that...

One of the most frequently heard phrases in our house these days- And pretend that.

And pretend that...I'm Darth Vader and you're Luke Sky Walker.

And Pretend that...We are fighting.

And pretend that...I killed you with my light saber.

And pretend that...I fell down and you thought I was dead, but I'm really not.

And pretend that...I turned my back to walk away, but you got me with your light saber from behind.

And pretend that...Now I'm dead.  But, you turned into a Storm Trooper and you were in my army and I was your leader.

And pretend that...I helped you get up and took you to the doctor on the Death Star and he fixed you.  Now you're not dead anymore.

And pretend that...We are both bad guys now and we go out to kill Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo and the other good guys.

And pretend that...I said, "Ok, let's get 'em."

And pretend that...The story goes on and on and on and on.

I love the creativity of these boys, even if every story they act out deals with someone getting killed or severely injured.  I would worry about it if I didn't realize that most boys play like this for years...and then they grow up and continue to compete and try to "kill" each other on the field, in the board room, etc.  I have to admit that sometimes I wish they had an off button, or maybe a sleep mode.  If only there was a way to bottle and save all that energy for later in life...like maybe for when they have children of their own.  =) Love these boys so much!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Another exciting week in the Kaminski family

This past week has been full of excitement in the Kaminski house.  

 First, Cade lost his third tooth and is now a gap-toothed cutie.  He was so excited when the tooth fairy left him a note, a "golden dollar" and a bouncy ball.  He felt like he hit the lottery.  I adore this kid!

Carter is such a wonderful big brother!   He plays with Cooper and loves him so freely and unconditionally.  It's the most beautiful expression of God's love.  

Cooper learned how to climb the steps.  No, not just one step.  He literally climbed the entire flight of steps.  How does this happen?  One minute he's crawling around and standing at the bottom of the steps.  The next second he's climbing up 20+ steps without even the slightest hesitation.  Keith, Cade, Carter and I got to witness Cooper's motor development first hand.  What a wonder!  

Here are our little sweeties after Cooper made it all the way to the top of the steps for the first time.  Cade and Carter are so proud of their baby brother.  It was really fun, as a parent, to watch the big boys supporting and encouraging their baby brother.  I am so grateful that God gave us these precious boys and  that they will have each other for the rest of their lives.  Blessings abound!  Praise God!