I've often heard from other mothers about how life flies by so quickly with a newborn. After having our fourth little one this Spring, our sweet baby girl, I would have to agree that somehow life got away from me. Where exactly have the past nearly 8 months gone? I guess they have been lost in the whirlwind of nursing and changing diapers and snuggling and cleaning spit up and taking care of our three older boys and cooking and saying goodbye to Keith's parents who moved back to Buffalo and homework and sports and...and...and...and.
Now, though, as life seems to be leveling out to a more manageable pace, I have a moment to reflect on how beautiful this journey really is. I'm grateful for my husband who works tirelessly to provide for our brood and does everything in his power to really be there for each and every one of us. I'm grateful for our home, as it holds many precious memories and provides us with a safe, warm, comfortable place to live together. I'm grateful for our parents, our children's grandparents, for showing us such unconditional love and support during our times of transition. I'm grateful for the nearly three years that we had with Keith's parents living in Denver, seeing them several times each week, having Sunday dinners together, watching them love their grand children. I'm grateful for our health. I am so very grateful for our health. I'm grateful for my body, as it carried 4 healthy babies to full term and fed them for months afterward. I'm grateful that I am still able to breast feed Cora and that I have enough milk to sustain her. What a miracle breast feeding is. What a miracle life is.
Funny enough, I come back to this post which has been held in my Drafts folder for almost exactly one year feeling exactly same way as I detailed above. Where has this last year gone? Why haven't I found time to write? Well, let's keep it real. I feel lucky to find time to shower and dry my hair...with a round brush. That's what life with 4 Littles does to a mom. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm blessed beyond measure.
Cora is just over 18 months old now and life really is a whirlwind. A beautiful, messy, hold onto your hats or else you're going to get swept away kind of whirlwind. Cora walks now. She runs too. She started while we were in Buffalo this summer. Her first steps were actually on July 4 in my parents' living room. She then continued to show off her new walking skills at a Kaminski family party the following week. And, as you can imagine, she hasn't stopped since. She has no fear. Really. NO FEAR. Our baby girl in recent weeks has made it down to the park riding the plasma car with her little helmet on, all while I had maybe a 60 second conversation with a neighbor. God forbid I chat with a neighbor for 60 seconds. Last week, a series of unfortunate events led to Cora's big escape from the house and subsequent joy ride on the same plasma car from the previous story. Huh, maybe this is my not so subtle hint from God to get rid of that stinking plasma car. Well, I'll sit with that thought for a bit before making a rash decision that could take away the look of sheer joy on our sweet Cora's face when she zooms down the driveway and totally sticks the turn onto the sidewalk like a pro. That look never disappoints. It's the love of life and adventure in a little girl's eyes. It's bliss.
Cade is now in 4th grade. He'll be 10 in a few short weeks (I really don't know how that can be). He loves math and flag football and Pokeman cards. He's a huge helper. He somehow just knows what I need and he does it without asking. He's going to make the most amazing husband one day. Makes a mama proud!
Carter is in 3rd grade this year. He loves math, like his big brother, along with pretty much any sport that exists on this earth. Truly, he can watch any sport he finds on TV. One of my favorite things to do with him is to sit together and watch sports. He lights up. He's focused. He's on fire! The other day we watched the last part of a Manchester United vs. Manchester City soccer match. We both picked "our" teams and we cheered. I really really love those moments with Carter. He has braces now too. Round 1 of 2, as the ortho tells me. He has so much metal in his mouth, I don't understand how he can speak or eat. But, his teeth are looking great. A designer boy. That's what we have in Carter.
Cooper is 4 and he's in his first year of Pre-K (Our intention is to hold him back because he has such a late summer birthday). The funniest quote from Cooper recently is "I'm 4 and I poop in my pants!" Yes, folks, Cooper is not yet potty trained...and he doesn't care one bit. What a hoot this kid is! The life of the party, really. Cooper is our Charmer. He is personality PLUS. He's cooperative, sweet, patient, fun, easy going, and much much more. Since Cooper was a baby, he has always seemed to enjoy going anywhere and everywhere with me. He loves errands. Weird, right? Well, a few weeks ago I think I understood why for the first time. I was heading out the door for a quick run to King Soopers (our local grocery store) and he said, "Mom, wait. I want to come with you." I told him that I'd be really quick. I just had to grab a few things for dinner. And then he said it- the sentence that explains Cooper's entire 4 years of life. He said, "Mommy, if I come with you then I don't have to miss you." Are you kidding me? He's 4. So, that's our sweet Cooper Dooper. The Charmer in the most sincere way imaginable.
And with that, I sign off for tonight. It's past my bedtime and this mama will be on again in less than 8 hours. Love and gratitude are oozing from my heart. <3