Friday, February 3, 2012

We fought quite a battle together, Cade, as I was trying to deliver you.  I was in labor all day Sunday (contractions started at midnight on November 20) and you didn't make your debut until 26 hours later.  Your poor little head got stuck in my pelvic bones and you were upside down to boot.  There was little hope of you coming naturally, as I had deeply desired, so the doctor recommended a C-Section.  Our happy baby boy was born at 2:35am on November 21, 2005, weighing 8 lbs. 3oz.    

I knew you immediately.  Daddy marveled at how I could soothe you as soon as you began to fuss.  It wasn't difficult- I knew exactly what you wanted.  Daddy sensed our connection.  He knew that you and I had a bond that was beyond his comprehension.  It was quite amazing, really.  I suppose it makes sense.  After all, we spent 9 months together before you were even born.   

I will never forget one of the first nights of your life.  Kenny Chesney televised one of his concerts and I had it on in our hospital room.  You were absolutely riveted!  You were so content listening to his concert, despite the fact that I was having trouble producing enough milk for you and you were so hungry. You and I snuggled in our hospital bed listening to the music for a full hour.  For the rest of my life, every time I hear Kenny Chesney, I will remember this beautiful night with you.   

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