Thursday, February 14, 2013

Baby's First Word

Cooper has been "talking" for awhile now.  Maybe even for several months.  He probably started talking around Thanksgiving (16 months old).  His first word was "ball."  Not mama or dada or baba or anything that you might expect.  Ball.

Cooper loves balls.  I mean, Cooper really, really loves balls.  If there was no other toy on this earth except for balls, he would be the happiest baby ever.  That's all he needs.  Balls.  He loves footballs, soccer balls, beach balls, bouncy balls, any kind of ball.

When playing with a football, he'll hold it down on the floor and grunt "Down, Set, Hike!"  Of course, he can't say those words yet, but the grunts make his meaning very clear.  He's playing football...for real.  He makes a play.  Sometimes he passes it one of his brothers (the Receiver) who, in turn, runs for a touchdown.  He cheers for his brothers.  Sometimes he runs to score a touchdown himself.  He cheers for himself.  Sometimes he sticks the ball, in his chubby little hands, out to the side for a hand off.  One of his brothers takes the ball and scores a touchdown.  He cheers again.  This goes on and on.  Day after day. Week after week.  It's so sweet!

Thanks be to God, I captured this on video.  I will always smile thinking of Cooper "playing" football.  He truly is the cutest kid!!!

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